Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekly goal

I would like to finish coloring both my characters and start to work on the background more.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

week one update

Not as far as i would like to be but getting their. its taking longer then I thought to do the line art in photoshop. manly because I'm having to go back and fix most of my lines.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project Breakdown


1. sketch; done
2. line art; due 4/19
3. color characters; due 4/30
4. color background; due 5/8

My Proposal

My proposal is to do a digital drawing of to of my characters (from different storys that my friend and I created.) fighting each other. I will have them on different sides of the page in fighting stances. I haven't decided the exact setting but I was thinking maybe a open field with a storm going on, or have the field burning. whats original about this is that it is of my own original characters fighting each other. My motivation for this is I always wondered what would happen if they not only met each other, but how would win in a fight. so I hope I comes out great. Also PLACE YOUR BETS!

Art Analysis

Essay on Phoenix
Out of the five inspirational peaces of art my favorite is Phoenix by WhiteRaven90 on devientart.com. When I look at this peace I see a bright majestic phoenix, rising through the hot smock and flames. The artist did a great job at defining the details on the Phoenix it looks like if you plunked a feather off of it, it would burn your hand. Even thought this peace doesn’t have much of a background the transfer from black to vibrant dark red to bright yellow makes you feel like your seeing it emerge from flames. In fact when I look at this peace I can’t help but think of the myth that when a phoenix dies, another one is born from the ashes. I like that they chouse to draw it in this style because it makes us of the bright and vibrant colors and how you can make a digital painting look simpler to a real painting. This peace reflects my idea because one of my characters in my idea is part phoenix (she has Phoenix wings). Also I am doing a digital painting like she did. The difference is that one I am not focusing on just drawing a phoenix and mine is going to be drawing more in a manga/anima style rather then painting.

Inspirational Images

Sakura and Ino fighting by hau-red on deviantart.com
  How to draw manga fighting poses: Punching fists! By koizu on youtube.com
  Angry by Sagittor on deviantart.com
  Phoenix by Icamaral on deviantart.com
  Phoenix by WhiteRaven90 on deviantart.com